Saturday, September 19, 2009

First Day on the Blog...

Hmmm not much of a title but my buddies Fern and the Toad got me interested in this blogging thing. May not tell them or anyone else about it for now...but I thought it might be interesting to jot down my thoughts. A journal of sorts for my kids. And maybe my friends. I have learned things about those two on their blogs...funny things, sad things,deep spiritual things. Things that made me laugh out Anders and the sand box! Things that made me Eve's lost puppy. Things that helped me to grow as a believer...Like Fern's bout with cancer!Things that built up my faith in this One and Only God we the verses from His Word they share with others. Oh, I won't be as creative and as inspiring as Fern and Toad are but I will try to share a few things that happen in Purdy's Life!