Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blogging may not be for me!

I wanted to be like my hero Alisa and write deep spiritual insights. I also wanted to be like my friend Shannon who has the coolest, classiest blog around... but I don't seem to be able to find the time to blog! I think that is the the write something! I can't figure out how to make it pretty but maybe I can give it another try and at least write! We had a wonderful Christmas and are trying to get back in the swing of life. We had our mission conference last week and it was a real blessing! We were both humbled and challenged by the missionaries that came and shared their work. All were different but unique. All had a desire to see souls saved. They all touched my heart:
A couple on their way to England reminded us of the excitement and joy we once had for sharing the gospel. So eager to share the Word.
A family from North Carolina traveling around the country to raise support to build churches for our spanish speaking neighbors! Laughter and joy...and praises to the Lord are what they have in their van as they travel. Oh, adventures and trials follow them too but their service and worship are what they give without hesitation to their God!
A little family with 2 babies headed back to Africa reminded us of the great sacrifice many make to share the gospel. They also helped us to realize how truley blessed we are in this country...we have so much!!
We also were privaledged to have Crossroads Baptist Mission visit on Saturday. The men sang, testified, and quoted chapters from Gods word! Chapters. Oh how we neglect God's Word! And to top it all off Brother Rocky sang and preached as we were surrounded by the Awesome presence of the Lord! And best of all a man was saved... After this week of reviving I am praying to become a better missionary in my mission field. And as we put up the decorations may I remember that it was more than just the story of a babe in that manger scene but the most important story ever told. The message that will save the world! Help me share it!