Monday, October 12, 2009

Goodly Heritage

Obviously not good at keeping up with this Blog. My life always seems "too busy"...with home, work, kids activities, church, meetings,life...that I don't get to do the extra things I want to do. Maybe I will get it all together one day but for now...this will be hit and miss! Mostly just writing it for me and a few friends so I guess it will be ok. Maybe over time I will get creative, profound, and be able to touch lives like Fern and Toad but for now it's just like a journal.
Our last Ladies meeting was a blast! A Goodly Heritage: How do i create one for my Family! It was Awesome! All the speakers were great. There were a lot of good, creative ideas that help us raise our families to know and serve God. Autumn shared ideas for prayer time. One jar to write down things we have prayed about and are waiting on an answer. Another jar to put those in once God answered. A Prayer blanket to keep little ones focused when they pray...wish i had known about that when mine were small. Teresa shared haw cleaning out a pumpkin for Halloween can be used to teach kids how God cleans us out so His light can shine thru us. Shannon reminded us that our kids remember the little daily things we do as a family more than the big events. We need to make time to grow closer as a family. Andrea gave us lots of ideas for scrapbooking so we can make memories plus a free scrapbook from a paperbag! Amy reminded us how music impacts the lives of our children and how precious those childhood memories are even for us today. Missy reminded us to teach our kids about food and health by allowing them to help in the kitchen. And Suzie reminded us to LAUGH!!!! We have the most awesome group of ladies at our church. So gifted and talented. Many already have and others are developing a Servants Heart. That is as important as creating a Godly Home. So glad the Lord is allowing me to grow along with them.
October 19th is on Temple Treasures...Caring for our Temple. Women care for the world but don't take care of ourselves. Dr. Giguere will speak on Cancer. Plus lots of health information. I will let you know how it turns out!

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